Audit and Assurance

We are a involved the provision of highly efficient and reliable Audit and Assurance services. These services are provided by highly experienced professionals using highly advanced audit techniques. These services are attuned to the global practices and Indian statutory requirements. Several high net worth and SME sector undertakings form our clientele.

We provide an entire gamut of auditing services comprising of statutory audit, concurrent audit, information system audit, investigative audit, compliance audit and specific audits. These auditing services are priced economically.

Various types of audit undertaken by the firm as set out as under:

  • Audit of statutory records - Maintained under the Companies Act and other statutes
  • Compliance Audit of Accounting Standards - To ensure the compliance of all the applicable accounting standards to the organization
  • Information System Audit - Audit in the computerized environment including audit of computerized systems - hardware/software
  • Investigative Audit - Carrying out focused investigation
  • Statutory/ concurrent Bank Audit- Our firm is top category auditor for banks and have been conducting statutory audit for branches having deposits of more than 500 crores.
  • Installation of internal control procedures & monitoring the compliance
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